When it comes to some of the world's craziest rides, they often look scarier than they actually are. No matter how high the drop, how fast the speed, or how powerful the g-force, you can always take solace in knowing that you're strapped into a harness and there's plenty of high tech mechanisms between you and certain death. Except on Tivoli Friheden's "Sky Tower".
When the park declares "nothing but a net!" they're being honest. Riders of the absolutely insane "Sky Tower" free-fall nearly 100 foot at somewhere around 55MPH. No rope. No harness. The only thing between you and the net is air. As you can probably imagine, the drop is nothing short of terrifying, and lucky for us, this video exists to show us what it's like without having to actually go through with it.
you've got a couple options. You could head to Denmark and take a drop on the "Sky Tower" featured in the video, or you could head to Dallas, Texas' Zero Gravity Thrill Amusement Park where their version is apty named "Nothin' But Net". For $36 you can poop your pants all the way down, so long as you don't have a heart condition.
There used to be at least one other park in the United States where you could take the free-fall challenge, but then ride operators let a 12-year-old girl take the 100 foot drop and forgot to raise the safety net. She landed on concrete, was critically injured, and the rest is history.
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